Side effect of suddenly leaving the gym

Mainly people don’t know the side effect of leaving the gym they think only fat will increase after leaving the workout but they don’t know there are many problem and health issues like.

Your blood pressure soar.

Muscles start shrinking.

Bone and joint get weak.

Blood sugar level can cause diabetes and heart disease.

Decrease in metabolic rate.

Your blood pressure soar: when you suddenly stop doing work out your blood vessels increase the pressure because when you do exercise your body blood pressure increase while the time period of workout when you stop doing workout your arteries will start shrinking within 2 week which increase the blood pressure soar.

Muscles start shrinking: if you are not continue with your exercise from long time you will feel the loss of muscles mass and you will also lose the strength and fiber will also lose their fat burning capacity .if you are doing it from long time or in high intensity exercise your will feel the lose after 10 to 12 week.

Bone and joint get weak: bone start weak when you stop doing workout and fat percent increase and when you getting older your bone can not bear the weight.

Blood sugar level can cause diabetes and heart disease: after ditching the workout routine your muscles and tissues did not consume the sugar from which we do not get energy needed for your body. if sugar is not consuming from blood it will increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Decrease in metabolic rate: when you do work out we take less calories and high protein and strength training it increase the metabolic rate but when you stop doing workout and start eating without calculating calories it will increase the fat percent rate and decrease the rate of metabolic.
