Push up is a normal exercise which we do before starting
workout which come under body weight workout. It increases your strength and
also tone upper body muscles and core. There is some type of push up you should
do if you are beginner:
Wall push-up
Modified push-up
Standard push-up
Wide push-up
Narrow push-up
Elevated push-up
Indian push-up
Wall push-up: It is for beginner who cannot take their own
body weight. If you can not do the normal push up or had a shoulder or elbow
injury you can do the wall push up which reduce the load in muscles and also
strength it.
Posture for wall push up
Chose a straight wall then open your hand straight shoulder
should be width then your feet.
Your hand should be width then your shoulder
Now hand should be attached with wall now lean forward
Your elbow should be on 90 degree while going toward the
You should inhale while going toward the wall and exhale
while going to your normal position
Do this for at least 4 to 5 set with 15 repetition each set.
Modified push-up (push-up from knee): After wall push up you
can go to modified push-up with little bit of strength. it is best push-up for
beginner it works in arms, shoulder, chest and core body.
Posture of modified push-up
Take a flat floor lye facing toward floor
Take your hand little width to your shoulder
Now push your self upward with your hand
And with the support of your knee
Your head should be straight
And when you go down inhale and exhale while coming up.
Do it for 4-5 set of 15 repetition.
Standard push up: Standard push-up is as similar as modified
push-up (knee push-up). we use knee support in modified push-up and in standard
push up we will take support of our feet. It takes more strength because in
this push-up your load will be on hand and your feet.
Posture for standard push-up:
Position of your body will be same as modified push-up (knee
only the change will
be on your support is in modified push-up your support in the knee.
and in standard push-up
your support will be on your feet.
Do it for 4-5 set of 15 repetition
Wide push-up: In this push-up your hand will be wide from your
chest and shoulder. your hand should be stronger to take your body weight otherwise
you cannot do it properly. This push-up is same as standard push up only your
hand grip will be wide.
Posture for wide push-up:
In wide push-up your body posture will be same as standard
Only the change will be on your hand grip.
It will be wide from your chest and shoulder.
Do it for 4-5 set of maximum 12-15 repetition.
Narrow push-up: In this push-up it takes lots of power then
other push-up because your hand gripe will be closer to each other it works on
chest and triceps.
Posture for narrow push-up:
Gripe of your hand will be closer to each other.
Tilt your hand in toward inside.
Then make your hand like a pyramid (or in triangle shape).
Other posture will be same as standard push.
Do it for 4-5 set of maximum 10-12 repetition.
Elevated push-up: In elevated push-up your legs will be upper
then your body. Keep your leg in bench or in any box in which you can keep your
leg and do push-up. This take more power then narrow push up because your legs
should be on upper side and your body make sloppy position when you go down.
Posture for elevated push-up:
Firstly, make a standard
push-up posture
Then take a
box or bench behind and put your feet in it
And your hand grip will
be on floor
Then start going down it
will make a sloppy posture
And when you will push
your self up it will make
A straight posture of
your body because your legs is kept on bench
Do it for 4-5 set of
12-15 repetition.
Indian or Hindu push-up(dand): This push-up very hard and great for your whole body work out. It covers your
shoulder, chest, back, subscapularis, hips, spine flexor, legs etc. it is
called Indian push-up because it was done by the wrestlers and Indian martial
arts. This was found when nobody knows about bodybuilding or any exercise.
Posture for it:
First come in wide push-up
And legs will be also
wide but not as your hand
Then take your hand grip
in down and make a body in v shape
Your head will be on
down ward and hips will be on air
Now go down touch your
chest in the floor between your hand
Then go front and your
head and chest should be upward
When you go down your
knee will be bend and when you go back your legs will be straight.
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